Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Steep Hill Laboratories on Cannabis Roots report

There have been many speculations about the components of the cannabis root, and articles have been published purposing that a high quantity of cannabinoids are contained within, as well as a concern of the THC content. So we sent out our own roots to be analyzed, here's the results.
Happily we have learned that no THC was detected. Surprisingly no Cannabinoids were either. However that is not the end of the story, for as we began to intrepid the components listed we become aware of why the root works so well as a any-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing herbiest results are listed below; In the 4th pic I have listed the benefits above each component, provided more detail in the 5th pic.
Although the roots are primarily composed of sugars and lipids, low levels of terpenes, alkaloids and various other compounds have been isolated. In 1971, it was determined that ethanol extract of hemp roots contained the terpenes friedelin, pentacyclic triterpene ketones, and epifriedelanol. Friedelin is thought to have hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) and antioxidant effects, epifriedelanol has been demonstrated to have antitumour effects, and several pentacyclic triterpene ketones are thought to cause apoptosis in cancer cells, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and bacterial infection and possessing diuretic and immunomodulatory properties.
As well as terpenoids, several alkaloids that may be of medicinal value have been identified in cannabis roots. The alkaloids piperidine and pyrrolidine have both been found in the roots, as well as in the stems, seeds, pollen and leaves; these alkaloids can be highly toxic in high doses,So we don't recommend consuming large doses, such as in a tea form.
Piperidine is used as a chemical ‘building block’ for various pharmaceuticals, particularly those involved in psychiatric medicine such as paroxetine and haloperidol; pyrrolidine is also used as a building block for a class of stimulant drugs known as race tams.
So there we go, speculations over. In the past 30 years, more then 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the cannabis plant. Still they continually leave out the root in their studies. We must try to lift the restrictions off of cannabis root, so that more studies and research can be implemented.
It is time to reinstate the lowly little root back to it’s formidable position, as a primary healing herb........and I am leading the way!
~Steep Hill Laboratories~

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