Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Estrogen? What does the science say?
Dr. Vliet-07 Voice of Women Award-truth about hormones

What Every woman needs to know about hormones and hormone therapy.

Dr Vliet's acceptance remarks for the 2007 Voice of Women Award.

A nice website on the subject.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Herbal Medicine for DNA repair

Title: Mrs
First name: Jennifer
Family name: Stone on behalf of Aljen Projects
Email address: take2looks@gmail.com
Your address: 
Subject: Aljen Tender- Herbal Medicine for DNA repair
Aljen Projects has been working on bringing the best alternative medicine to

The research has shown the adding Magnesium to Graeme where the
Dr Fernardo Roncolotto St George Hospital (Mantle Cell Lymphona) noticed a
stomach lesion has disappeared when the magnesium was added to the daily
requirements of the body.

We have applied under the Cannabis Grant where I was told by a Professor to
put my research together on the blogs and website www.cannabissoulhealing.com

Please consider the research has been worked on for a while.

"The formula consists of very specific daily amounts of the following:
I have been utilising Caruso's Super boost Magnesium for Graeme.

• calcium/magnesium (3,000 mg to 12,000 mg);
• chromium picolinate (600 mcg to 2,000 mcg);
• vitamin A (1,250 units to 15,000 units);
• vitamin D (140 units to 1,400 units);
• milk thistle (1,200m mg to 4,800 mg);
• shark cartilage (4,500 mg to 18,000 mg);
• vitamin E (1,200 units to 4,000 units); and
• zinc (300 mg to 1,200 mg).

The dosage varies with the reaction you choose -- from "maintenance" (the
lowest) to "best reversal" (the highest). [Please don't send me e-mails about
the toxicity of Vitamins A and D. These doses are way below the toxic level
for both of these vitamins.] "

For the Skin, gelatin Knox brand will help with the collagon to the body.

I have asked the Doctors to look at the biochemistry to help other patients
where I believe the DIPG community of brain cancer will benefit from the
increase to the diet by these added vitamins.  The theory is re-mineralise
the body and cancer dies, but it repairs the DNA to the body which thus helps
any illness.

Injections are not the way to cure the sick as the body is a biochemical
factory to absorb the vitamins through the intensines.

With the Cannabis plant the major commonent is the minerals it is bringing to
the body and how our body can absorb them.

Vitamin B's link to the Wheatgrass, yet again the grass is a link to the
plant as a carrier like the Cannabis to the sick.

The children with DIPG is brain cancer with 100% death rate in our country.

I hope someone who is going to benefit through the government $9 million
grant is working on healing the sick.

Hemp is a rich source of phytosterols, phospholipids and chlorophyll containing calcium, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sulfur, potassium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D and E. The North American Industrial Hemp Council has stated that it also contains gamma linoleic acid (GLA), a difficult-to-obtain amino acid found in breast milk. The amino acid profiles are also thought to support immune cells.

What is really in Vaccines today

Today's vaccines not only contain live versions of the diseases you DO NOT WANT, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers, and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes, and diseased humans:

Measles Live Virus Vaccine: (Attenuvax) Made by Merck. Two injections are given; one at 1 year and another at 4 years old. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, egg protein and human albumin.

Measles and Mumps Live Virus Vaccine: (M-M-Rvax) Made by Merck. Injected into one year old babies. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, and human albumin.

Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine: Five injections given between 2 and 6 years of age, plus boosters "recommended" every 10 years. Contains formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and aluminum phosphate.

DTaP, IPV, HBV and Hib*: (Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type B) Given to infants 2 to 12 months with boosters less than a year later. Contains aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, and bovine cow serum.

Gardasil HPV: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Made by Merck. Administered to children as young as 9 years of age for a rare sexually transmitted disease. Contains polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, aluminum, and a "denatured" (fragmented and weakened) form of the virus.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035431_vaccine_ingredients_side_effects_MSG.html#ixzz3YTCrojqm

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Nostradamus Rose Pills

In 1544 Nostradamus stopped for some time in Marseilles in order to help bring a fresh outbreak of the plague under control. In 1546 the Black Death gained a hold in the province's main city, Aix-en-Provence. Nostradamus was summoned and devoted himself courageously and in a determined manner to the healing of the sick and above all to preventive measures among the healthy. He spent days, weeks and months in the midst of the appalling atmosphere of wholesale death and despair and was indeed able to cure people and to sow seeds of fresh hope.
Rose petals are rich in vitamins C, A, D, E & B-complex and minerals such as zinc, iron, and selenium.
  His remedies included 'rose pills', which were to be made as follows:

one ounce of sawdust from the greenest available cypress tree
six ounces of Florentine iris
three ounces of cloves
three drachms of weet flag (root)
six drachms of resinous aloe wood
These ingredients are pulverized and then 300 to 400 red roses, which have been picked before the grey light of dawn and similarly pulverized, are mixed in with them. Throughout care is taken to prevent undue exposure to the air. The mixture is then shaped into pills, which the patient constantly keeps in the mouth. According to Michel, the wonderful scent can kill bad breath and foul smells and clean rotten teeth.

Thursday, 23 April 2015


  1. Calcium makes up approximately 2 percent of your total body weight and contributes to many basic body functions, including disease prevention and absorption of other nutrients. Consuming enough calcium -- between 1,000 and 1,200 milligrams per day for healthy men and women -- is a must for optimal nutrition and health.
  2. Remineralise the body and Cancer doesn't like it.  Yet it is the balance of Calcium and Magnesium which needs to be applied in the sick.  
  3. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. It is essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth, and that's where about 99% of the body's calcium is found.May 7, 2013
  4. Calcium | University of Maryland Medical Center

  5. Calcium in diet: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


    Calcium is the most plentiful mineral found in the human body. The teeth and bones contain the most calcium. Nerve cells, body tissues, blood, and other body fluids contain the rest of the calcium.
  6. [PDF]Major Functions of Calcium in the Body - National Dairy ...


    MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF CALCIUM IN THE BODY. Resorption of old bone and formation of new bone are processes that continuously overlap. The importance.

Picolinic Acid

  • Picolinic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Picolinic acid is an organic compound with the formula C5H4N(CO2H). It is a ...Picolinic acid is a catabolite of the amino acid tryptophan through the kynurenine  ...
  • [PDF]Influence of Picolinic Acid on the Uptake of Zinc-Amino Acid ...

    by DA Hill - ‎1987 - ‎Cited by 19 - ‎Related articles
    Jan 1, 1987 - ratios of picolinic acid (PA) to Zn on Zn absorption and 3) determine the effect of ... sorption of Zn and amino acid complexes at pH 6, 7 and 8.
  • Absorption of Minerals | Thorne Research

    Picolinic acid is a natural organic acid produced in the body from the conversion of theamino acid tryptophan. It is naturally produced in the pancreas and binds ...
  • Chromium Picolinate

    1. Chromium(III) picolinate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Chromium (III) picolinate (CrPic3) is a chemical compound sold as a nutritional supplement to treat type 2 diabetes and promote weight loss. This bright-red ...
    2. Chromium picolinate influences carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It assists in the management of fluctuating blood sugar levels in healthy people. A higher dietary intake of refined carbohydrates needs more chromium.
    3. Selected food sources of chromium 
      FoodChromium (mcg)
      Broccoli, ½ cup11
      Grape juice, 1 cup8
      English muffin, whole wheat, 14
      Potatoes, mashed, 1 cup3
      Garlic, dried, 1 teaspoon3
      Basil, dried, 1 tablespoon2
      Beef cubes, 3 ounces2
      Orange juice, 1 cup2
      Turkey breast, 3 ounces2
      Whole wheat bread, 2 slices2
      Red wine, 5 ounces1–13
      Apple, unpeeled, 1 medium1
      Banana, 1 medium1
      Green beans, ½ cup1

      Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Chromium — Health ...

      Nov 4, 2013 - Chromium is a mineral that humans require in trace amounts, although its ..... The potential value and toxicity of chromium picolinate as a  
    4. Picolinic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Picolinic acid is an organic compound with the formula C5H4N(CO2H). It is a derivative of pyridine with a carboxylic acid substituent at the 2-position. It is an ...
    5. Picolinic acid is the body's prime natural chelator. There is an important reason for the body to construct this molecule: it is the most efficient chelator for minerals such as chromiumzincmanganesecopperiron, and perhaps molybdenum

    6. Mineral uptake by tissues is far greater when the mineral is a Picolinate, rather than the other forms. Since our bodies utilize Picolinic acid to absorb and transport certain minerals, and our cells recognize mineral picolinates and readily use them, it makes sense to design mineral supplements based on this knowledge.

    Shark Cartilage

    Shark cartilage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    While shark cartilage does not seem to be an effective treatment for cancer, some studies suggest that intake of one of its key components, chondroitin sulfate,  .

    1. Glucosamine and Chondroitin - Arthritis Victoria

      www.arthritisvic.org.au › Complementary Therapies
      Mar 6, 2012 - Cartilage covers and protects the ends of the bones, allowing bones to move smoothly against each other. Glucosamine comes in two forms – glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine ... sulfate supplements, which are made from bovine (cow) orshark cartilage. How do these supplements help arthritis?

    Wednesday, 22 April 2015

    Homemade Marshmallows

    Homemade Marshmallows

    This is definitely a favorite use of Gelatin. The only ingredients are honey, gelatin, vanilla and water, so they are a great alternative to store bought treats.
    These are also easy to make and you can add cocoa powder or mint extract for flavor variations…

    Gelatin for the body

    Gelatin, when I was sick as a child Jelly went down the best.
    1. Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the skin, bones, and connective tissues of animals such as domesticated cattle, chicken, pigs, and fish.
    2. Gelatin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    3. Someone with cancer has missing peptides in the urine.  
    4. What is Knox gelatin made from? | Ask.com

      www.ask.com › Food › Cooking › Desserts
      Knox gelatin is a colorless and translucent hard gel like substance found in food products that is made from collagen, 

    Milk Thistle daily intake

    1. Milk thistle – love your liver - NYR Natural News

      www.nyrnaturalnews.com › Articles › Herbs
      Feb 28, 2013 - The prickly milk thistle (Silybum marianum) has been used for 2,000 years .... 200 and 400 mg silymarin a day, divided into three daily doses.
    2. www.livestrong.com › Health
      Jan 28, 2015 - The standard dose is 200 milligrams taken two to three times daily, according to New York University. Your body absorbs milk thistle better if the  ...

    Steep Hill Laboratories on Cannabis Roots report

    There have been many speculations about the components of the cannabis root, and articles have been published purposing that a high quantity of cannabinoids are contained within, as well as a concern of the THC content. So we sent out our own roots to be analyzed, here's the results.
    Happily we have learned that no THC was detected. Surprisingly no Cannabinoids were either. However that is not the end of the story, for as we began to intrepid the components listed we become aware of why the root works so well as a any-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing herbiest results are listed below; In the 4th pic I have listed the benefits above each component, provided more detail in the 5th pic.
    Although the roots are primarily composed of sugars and lipids, low levels of terpenes, alkaloids and various other compounds have been isolated. In 1971, it was determined that ethanol extract of hemp roots contained the terpenes friedelin, pentacyclic triterpene ketones, and epifriedelanol. Friedelin is thought to have hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) and antioxidant effects, epifriedelanol has been demonstrated to have antitumour effects, and several pentacyclic triterpene ketones are thought to cause apoptosis in cancer cells, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and bacterial infection and possessing diuretic and immunomodulatory properties.
    As well as terpenoids, several alkaloids that may be of medicinal value have been identified in cannabis roots. The alkaloids piperidine and pyrrolidine have both been found in the roots, as well as in the stems, seeds, pollen and leaves; these alkaloids can be highly toxic in high doses,So we don't recommend consuming large doses, such as in a tea form.
    Piperidine is used as a chemical ‘building block’ for various pharmaceuticals, particularly those involved in psychiatric medicine such as paroxetine and haloperidol; pyrrolidine is also used as a building block for a class of stimulant drugs known as race tams.
    So there we go, speculations over. In the past 30 years, more then 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the cannabis plant. Still they continually leave out the root in their studies. We must try to lift the restrictions off of cannabis root, so that more studies and research can be implemented.
    It is time to reinstate the lowly little root back to it’s formidable position, as a primary healing herb........and I am leading the way!
    ~Steep Hill Laboratories~

    Steep Hill Laboratories on THC

    There have been many speculations about the components of the cannabis root, and articles have been published purposing that a high quantity of cannabinoids are contained within, as well as a concern of the THC content. So we sent out our own roots to be analyzed, here's the results.
    Happily we have learned that no THC was detected. Surprisingly no Cannabinoids were either. However that is not the end of the story, for as we began to intrepid the components listed we become aware of why the root works so well as a any-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing herbiest results are listed below; In the 4th pic I have listed the benefits above each component, provided more detail in the 5th pic.
    Although the roots are primarily composed of sugars and lipids, low levels of terpenes, alkaloids and various other compounds have been isolated. In 1971, it was determined that ethanol extract of hemp roots contained the terpenes friedelin, pentacyclic triterpene ketones, and epifriedelanol. Friedelin is thought to have hepatoprotective (liver-protecting) and antioxidant effects, epifriedelanol has been demonstrated to have antitumour effects, and several pentacyclic triterpene ketones are thought to cause apoptosis in cancer cells, as well as reducing inflammation, pain and bacterial infection and possessing diuretic and immunomodulatory properties.
    As well as terpenoids, several alkaloids that may be of medicinal value have been identified in cannabis roots. The alkaloids piperidine and pyrrolidine have both been found in the roots, as well as in the stems, seeds, pollen and leaves; these alkaloids can be highly toxic in high doses,So we don't recommend consuming large doses, such as in a tea form.
    Piperidine is used as a chemical ‘building block’ for various pharmaceuticals, particularly those involved in psychiatric medicine such as paroxetine and haloperidol; pyrrolidine is also used as a building block for a class of stimulant drugs known as race tams.
    So there we go, speculations over. In the past 30 years, more then 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the cannabis plant. Still they continually leave out the root in their studies. We must try to lift the restrictions off of cannabis root, so that more studies and research can be implemented.
    It is time to reinstate the lowly little root back to it’s formidable position, as a primary healing herb........and I am leading the way!
    ~Steep Hill Laboratories~

    Vitamin D daily intake

    1. The new 2010 recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 600 IU for those 1-70 years of age and pregnant or breastfeeding women, and 800 IU for those over 71 years of age. An adequate blood level of vitamin D is 20 nanograms per milliliter, which can be achieved through daily skin exposure to sunlight.Nov 1, 2013
    2. Vitamin D Dosing - Mayo Clinic

    3. Vitamin D | Nutrient Reference Values

      Accurate estimates of dietary intakes of vitamin D in Australia and New Zealand ... The recommendations herein assume no, or minimal, exposure to sunlight as ...
    4. Vitamin D intake and vitamin D status of Australians ...

      The main source of vitamin D for Australians is exposure to sunlight. The National Health and Medical Research Council's recommended dietary intake for ..