Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Alkaline pH of the Blood

The Blood Jerk Reaction - A Rise In The Alkaline pH of The Blood! What Does IT Really Mean?
A rise in the alkalinity of the blood above pH 7.365 (alkaline phosphate)—any rise—is a result or a compensatory reaction due to over-acidity in body tissues as the blood attempts to maintain pH balance. There is no exception for the rule of alkalinity. The body will ALWAYS overcompensate for the excess acidity in the tissues by over-alkalizing the blood to maintain homeostasis. [ 3586 more words. ]

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

High Cholesterol live longer than people with Low Cholesterol

If you only read one book about cholesterol, read this one.It covers years of research
Here is a fact that has been known for quite a long time, but it is still news to many people: People with higher cholesterol levels live longer than people with lower cholesterol levels. The reason why this fact is not well-known in the general public is because it would put a huge dent into a $100…

Monday, 23 February 2015

Naturally derived Dronabinol (Cannabis extract) Crohn's & Colitis

Brother Gregory reports:

naturally derived Dronabinol (cannabis extract) in treatment of Crohn's & Colitis

1) These medical science reports are conclusive that phytocannabinoid therapy is effective in the treatment of Crohn's disease with naturally derived Dronabinol [USAN]

Cannabidiol Reduces Intestinal Inflammation through the Control of Neuroimmune Axis"The results of the present study correlate and expand the findings suggesting CBD as a potent compound that is able to modulate experimental gut inflammation. The exact cellular signalling pathways responsible for the effect of CBD still remain unclear, even though, for the first time, we identified PPAR-γ as a key receptor in its action during gut inflammation. However, in this study we demonstrate that during intestinal inflammation, CBD is able to control the inflammatory scenario and the subsequent intestinal apoptosis through the restoration of the altered glia-immune homeostasis. CBD is therefore regarded as a promising therapeutic agent that modulates the neuro-immune axis, which can be recognised as a new target in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disorders."

The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol alone and in combination on damage, inflammation and in vitro motility disturbances in rat colitis. "Conclusions and implications:In this model of colitis, THC and CBD not only reduced inflammation but also lowered the occurrence of functional disturbances. Moreover the combination of CBD and THC could be beneficial therapeutically, via additive or potentiating effects."
An interesting report utilizing a synthetic form of THC/CBD

A report from practioners in California, that used various forms of cannabis seemingly primarily smoked that proved to be effective.

Clinical trials utilizing smoked cannabis is shown to be effecting in Treatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study.

Study entitled, Cannabinoids and the gastrointestinal tract concluded, "The extent to which the effects on gastrointestinal function of cannabinoid receptor agonists or antagonists/inverse agonists can be exploited therapeutically has yet to be investigated as has the extent to which these drugs can provoke unwanted effects in the gastrointestinal tract when used for other therapeutic purposes."

In study entitled, Alternative targets within the endocannabinoid system for future treatment of gastrointestinal diseases concluded in part, "Extracts from Cannabis sativa have been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammation and diarrhea... Available studies suggest that CB1 agonists may be useful in emesis, IBD, colon cancer and functional disorders associated with hypermotility and diarrhea, while CB2 agonists may be future drugs used for the treatment of IBD. Additionally, there are strong arguments supporting the use of CBs for the treament of IBS."

In study, The Gastrointestinal Pharmacology of Cannabinoids: Focus on Motility published June 14, 2012 stated in the final sentence of the abstract, "Hopefully, the ongoing worldwide intense research on CBs will soon provide new, safer CB based medicines."

In study, Irritable bowel syndrome: methods, mechanisms, and pathophysiology. Genetic epidemiology and pharmacogenetics in irritable bowel syndrome, published March 2012, stated, "Most of the pharmacogenetic associations are reported with intermediate phenotypes in relatively small trials, and confirmation in large clinical trials using validated clinical end points is still required." from study reported here:

2) The anecdotal report of Shona Banda in her book, "Live Free or Die" confirms these medical science reports that phytocannabinoid therapy in the form of edible extracts are therapeutic for treating Crohn's disease.,
a youtube presentation was uploaded on Aug 23, 2010 that now has over 50,000 views., a follow up youtube presentation was uploaded on Jan 8, 2011 that now has over 24,000 views.

3) This ministry has direct experience with this therapy and relates our finding in the following. A man suffering from Crohn's disease contacted us seeking cannabis extract referred here through Jay from phoenixtears.
At the first, we sent out a cannabis sativa extract as the former cannabis indica from Jamaica brought forward to cancer patients was not available. The results were reported back by this patient as, 'only a slight improvement," but not the healing we had hoped. During this time, medical science reports were becoming available on the Internet that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone was not fully therapeutic. Also, practitioners, caretakers and patients with "doctors recommendations" utilizing cannabis extracts were reporting from the 'medical marijuana' community that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone was not fully therapeutic. Cannabis sativa generally is grown for the 'euphoric' effect and the Cannabidiol (CBD) is bred out as undesirable. This compound CBD is a secondary compound in relation to the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and diminishes or attenuates the 'high'. Hence, the reason for having been bred out for the 'euphoric' market. This compound is more prevelant in the cannabis indica strain and is recommended by Rick Simpson in the youtube presentation 'Run from the Cure' and on the www.phoenixtears.cawebsite. This practitioner claims to be able to cure most internal cancers and a host of other maladies with the ingestion of an extract of cannabis indica.

From this work, we determined that an additional compound Cannabidiol or CBD's are required and from research determined that 1%-2% CBD's are an absolute mininum of acceptable levels of CBD's. With the availability of Cannabidiol now through www.dixiex.comcannabis extracts of both indica and sativa strains containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be adjusted to meet this threshold for therapeutic use. We are also now adding cannabis essential oil and capoiba balsam a proven treatment for internal inflamation from South America. A small dab of this 'goo' ingested at night before bedtime is all that is required for the effective treatment of Crohn's disease and Colitis. The latest medical science, practioner and our real time current field reports all confIrm that positive patient response is demonstratable in numbers conforming to Phase 2 Clinical Trials studies. A slight groginess in the morning is the only side effect and the body quickly develops a tolerance. Further information on this 'new formula' is linked.

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Study
If you are a patient with inflammatory bowel disease, IBD, using cannabis to mitigate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, you are invited to participate in this study. Any patient who describes him/herself as having IBD can fill out the IBD questionnaire, personalized with a unique code number, (Study number) and your email address.

Synthetic cannabis: A comparison of patterns of use and effect profile with natural cannabis in a large global sample. Almost all recent synthetic cannabis users (99% of 975) reported ever use of natural cannabis. Users report a strong preference for natural over synthetic cannabis. The latter (synthetic THC) has a less desirable effect profile. Further research is required to determine longer term consequences of use and comparative dependence potential.

Adler , Jonathan N. , Colbert , James A. , . (2013) Medicinal Use of Marijuana — Polling Results. New England Journal of Medicine 368:22,

What is the endocannabinoid system? A brief introduction to how and why cannabis effects the human body as a supplement.

CCFA - Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America STATEMENT DECEMBER 2011

Experimental evidence suggests that endocannabinoids, molecules found in the body that closely resemble compounds found in the cannabis (marijuana) plant, may play a role in limiting intestinal inflammation. IBD patients have been found to have higher levels of cannabinoid receptors in their colonic tissue. Several small studies have shown that a significant proportion of patients with IBD report smoking marijuana to relieve IBD related symptoms, particularly those patients with a history of abdominal surgery, chronic abdominal pain, and/or law quality of life index. However, the medicinal use of marijuana is limted by potential side effects, the risk of smoking, and the lack of direct scientific evidence of clinical effectiveness for intestinal inflammation.

The CCFA Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America does not endorse the smoking of marijuana by IBD patients, any current state-based medical marijuana programs, or the legalization of marijuana. The CCFA does support the calls by the various health organizations urging review of marijuana's status as a federal Schedule 1 controlled substance with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and the potential development of cannabinoid based medications.

CCFA Patient Education Committee dated 12/2011

112th Congress 1st Session Senate Resolution 199  in the Senate of the United States May 25, 2011 Supporting the goals and ideals of "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week" states in part, Whereas Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease, afflict approximately 1,400,000 people in the Unites States, 30 percent of whom are diagnosed as children;....... and......"commends the dedication of health care professionals and biomedical researchers who care for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients and work to advance basic, genetic, and clinical research aimed at developing new treatments and a cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis"

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Mineralise your body with Green Clay Super Fine Powder for the skin

Our largest organ is the skin, when someone is sick work on the skin.

Acid reflux Smoothie- Cocktail Elixir

Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups diced fresh pineapple, 1 banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup ice, 1/2 cup pineapple juice or water. Blend to consistency of a smoothie.  Ginger can be added to further quell the stomach.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Cocktail of the Day Elixir- Rasberry Kisses

1 cube pureed Raspberry,
1 Cube pureed Strawberry,
1cup diced Watermelon,
2 Green Tea Bags, {only the leaves, not the bags},
1 Sprinkle for taste and to inact the Turmeric Black Pepper,
1 tablespoon Turmeric, (fresh Turmeric is available)  I use both.
1/4-1/2 inch Ginger Root, depending on size of Root,
1 handful Raw Pumpkin Seeds,
1/2 handful Almonds,
1/2 handful Walnuts,
1/4 Grapefruit,
1/4 Apple,
1/2-1 Broccoli bunch depending on size,
1 Banana,
1-2 Kale Leaves, depending on size,

Seeds are a great source of vitamins too so Flaxseeds, Chia seeds can be added for a holistic healing approach.

You could add a few drops of an oil which has the benefits of Omega 3, 6 and 9.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Acid and Alkaline Foods Chart

Find out about Citicoline

     Citicoline is a brain chemical that occurs naturally in the body and increases a chemical called phosphatidylcholine that is important for brain function. A 10% loss of citicoline is sufficient to alter brain cell membrane function and induce neuron cell death. When taken as a supplement Citicoline is hydrolyzed into choline and cytidine in the intestine. Once these cross the blood-brain barrier it is reformed into citicoline. As a medicine, it is taken as a supplement, given by IV or as an injection to treat dementia, head trauma, cerebrovascular disease such as stroke, age-related memory loss, Parkinson's disease, ADHD and glaucoma. - See more at:

Liver Electrolyte Recipe

Liver Electrolyte Recipe: The LED replenishes electrolytes in the body which get depleted during liver flushes and coffee enemas. The LED is highly nutritious and regenerates healthy cells. Avocado contains glutathione antioxidant a precursor to the liver detoxification pathways. This liver drink also stimulates the production and secretion of bile which lubricates the liver and gallbladder.
1) 1 organic fresh squeezed lemon
2) 1 organic fresh avocado
3) Finely chopped fresh ginger root
4) 1/2 tsp spirulina (blue green algae)
5) Organic coconut oil
6) water

Blend all ingredients in a blender and enjoy!
An option is to add wheatgrass and other green powder to this mix.

I love crushed ice if you want to serve this a Cocktail of Elixir for the day.

Soul Healing Clinics will be all different serving a Cocktail which they love.Liv

Home Made Cannabis Suppository recipe for the sick

Our Home Made Suppository recipe

28 grams organic coco butter 

3. Grams. Lecithin 
3 grams FECO ( full extract cannabis oil )

On a very low heat - melt butter then add liquid lecithin & then add oil & blend together 

This one recipe produces 6 straws total which works out to be 1/2 gram oil per straw 
He is taking a full straw per dosage 1/2 gram - 3x times daily =. 1.5 g / day
He cuts each dosage into 4 equal size pieces & inserts one after another ...
They melt quickly 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Cannabis tinciture works for Fibromyalgia

Hi srry for this but there has to be away to get this oil.. I suffer frm fibromyalgia .. Chronic pain righ thru my body I hate the meds I'm on but have to take them in order to to take edge off the pain ... I'm tired of pills I'm tired of patches .. Is there anyone who does make it that can help ?? There is no cure for fibromyalgia .... Just asking thanks
Like · 
  • Mk Parker Hi Jane and Robert, I had cfs years ago for 7 years tried many conventional and alternative therapies just didn't work but this combo did and found that changing diet back to the old ways..meat and three plus veg, fruit, butter not marg (organic if possible) 
    very gentle trigger point massage
    Warm showers with a cold blast at the end of it.
    Sitting outside in first light each morning (which helps reset the brain chemistry)
    And taking Thompsons AstaForte 3 x per day which boosts the immune system.
    Within 3 months I had my life back. 
    Due to stress was recently dx with it again...have started the above again and added Nutri bullet juices and already feeling heaps better..good luck.
    2 hrs · Like · 3
  • Cheryl Malone Hi Jane, I suffer same fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue,sleep apnea, migraines. I had a bad break down 3 years ago as in chronic pain and couldn't even get out of bed for months..then I heard about oil,I was given sum products to make oil, but I made the tincture instead. Now I was on 150mg Lyrica ,120mg cymbolta, 100mg endep, and 75mg palexia! Now I take no pills. I have tincture 3 times a day in my cuppa and now amazing how much pain free I am, I still get pain when you feeling good u seem to still do to much and u pay for it the next day but nothing like the pain and suffering I had b4 tincture . I'm happy with tincture en it makes lots more than than u would get if u made oil. Oil is an amazing healer , but I'm quite happy with my tincture.good luck!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Chemotherapy studies to Marijuana

Number of studies on PubMed of the Top 11 Drugs used in Australia By Cost to Government, 2009-10, Australia
Rituximab 12,892
* Clopidogrel 9,519

Simvastatin 7,963
* Olanzapine 7,031
Atorvastatin 6,534
Adalimumab 3,974
Fluticasone 3,406
Salmeterol 2,460
Rosuvastatin 2,237
Ranibizumab 1,999
Esomeprazole 1,023

Number of Studies on Marijuana: 20,497

Please credit Richard Rose of the MCUA for data search
From US Government National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine database of 24 million medical studies:
Searched on Sept 9, 2014.

PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science...

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Golden Milk- Turmeric

Uploaded on Jan 6, 2012
More tips at: & - Turmeric is a golden-yellow spice originally from India. It is one of my favorite all-time, multi-talented remedies for many different ailments. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory for people suffering from arthritis, joint pain, and muscle pain. It also aids in digestion, works as an anti-parasitic, and anti-bacterial.

When I've had a hard work-out and am feeling pain in joints and muscles, I take a couple of capsules of turmeric or make some 'Golden Milk' and take a few tablets of Calcium with Magnesium. Invariably, I wake up the next morning pain-free. I love being able to give this to my patients because it's highly effective and cheap.

Turmeric recipe

Take 1/4 cup turmeric powder, mix with 1/2 cup pure water and simmer over medium-high heat for at least 7 minutes, stirring constantly. You will notice a thick paste form. If it get's too dry while cooking you can add additional water. Once cooled, put into a glass jar and put in fridge. This is good for up to one month.

Golden Milk:

Add 1 tsp. to 1 cup. hot milk (cow, goat, soy, rice, almond, or any combination), maple syrup or honey to taste and 1/2 tsp. of almond or sesame oil. Gently heat and stir.

My family loves this just before going to bed.

DIPG Brain Cancer is sensitive to Cannabis Oil

  • Cannabis Soul Healing will be examining Cancer to define our understanding

  • Leah Merklin's Unexpected Lifesaver: Cannabis Oil 

      Sep 17, 2014 - Leah Merklin is four years old and in April 2013 she was diagnosed with DIPG. There is no cure but cannabis oil reduced the tumor's growth to ...

  • 4-year-old Milwaukie girl battling rare form of cancer | KOIN ... 

    Sep 10, 2014 - A Milwaukie four-year-old is fighting one of the rarest forms of pediatric cancer, but Leah Merklin is beating the odds for two reasons.
  • A dose of HOPE - Portland Tribune
    Jul 2, 2014 - On a recent sunny day, sisters Leah, 4, and Nora Merklin, 2, were awarded membership into a special club: the Mix 'n' Match Creamery Foreve

  • Schizophrenic with Cannabis?

    I have a question for everyone to get some advice. I have bipolar skizophernia and use medicinal cannibas to keep it under control as well as a 600mg dose of seroquel of everyday ( I know a lot people have bad things to say about it but it works for me ). Has anyone ever tried to use medical cannibas as a substitute for anti psychotic medications? If so you did you go? Side effects?

    A Sativa will be far to "up" for a schizophrenic. Schizophrenics lack the ability to create enough 2AG to down regulate their Anandamide (bodies version of THC) An high CBD strain (Indica) will serve you best to manage your symptoms.

     We have good success with treating it here along with bipolar, you need very clean cannabis and need to make oils, ingesting a high cbd strain in the for of oil will make the voices unapparent .

    Tuesday, 10 February 2015

    Cancer and the sugar myth?

    When we can define cancer it helps us to understand how it happens within a person.

    Sugar, I agree we do not need as much as I have seen people have in their daily diet.  However within our understanding of Cancer Cells has exposed many myths.

    The statement that “SUGAR  FEEDS  CANCER  CELLS” is not fully correct.  Many thousands have stopped sugar when first diagnosed with cancer, and others have taken sugar daily without effect.

    Too much sugar is not good for anybody either, high glucose is where our defining cancer shows us the way.

    Cancer cells are designed by mutated DNA to require more sugar regardless of how much you take in, if you take in too little sugar, it will take away from the supply to the other cells, high volume does not increase cancer metabolism. Cancer metabolism requires a specific amount of glucose regardless of the amount available. therefore, a high glucose level does not cause a cancer cell to use more glucose and reducing the sugar intake will never starve a cancer cell from glucose .

    Therefore it is the increases in sugar cravings prior to a cancer diagnosis we have to be aware of.

    To many people are still looking to "KILL" cancer it because they think it is an outside invader, they do not realize that the cancer cell has the "SAME PHENOTYPE" which means it was designed by the person's DNA and made by the body.  When cancer as I describe it grows like a fungus on the outside of the cell.  When the cell is unhealthy it allows the cancer virus to go inside the cell if our body doesn't reject the presence of this cancer virus it lives and duplicates within the human body.

    The many treatments  we currently treat cancer with will lower the immune system to kill the cancer cell.

    The immune system is not elevated until after treatments because the treatments cause the immune increase, not the cancer. The cancer cells were designed to be different from typical cells by the mutated DNA as a result of the deficiency changing the electromagnetic fields in the body causing changes in the DNA instructions.

    Upon correcting the mineral proportions in the body to properly correct the entire biochemistry to correct the electromagnetism, the DNA corrects itself and the cancer can no longer survive in the corrected environment and dies off by its own starvation because the electronic fields are now wrong for the cancer cell's function.