Friday, 13 February 2015

Cannabis tinciture works for Fibromyalgia

Hi srry for this but there has to be away to get this oil.. I suffer frm fibromyalgia .. Chronic pain righ thru my body I hate the meds I'm on but have to take them in order to to take edge off the pain ... I'm tired of pills I'm tired of patches .. Is there anyone who does make it that can help ?? There is no cure for fibromyalgia .... Just asking thanks
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  • Mk Parker Hi Jane and Robert, I had cfs years ago for 7 years tried many conventional and alternative therapies just didn't work but this combo did and found that changing diet back to the old ways..meat and three plus veg, fruit, butter not marg (organic if possible) 
    very gentle trigger point massage
    Warm showers with a cold blast at the end of it.
    Sitting outside in first light each morning (which helps reset the brain chemistry)
    And taking Thompsons AstaForte 3 x per day which boosts the immune system.
    Within 3 months I had my life back. 
    Due to stress was recently dx with it again...have started the above again and added Nutri bullet juices and already feeling heaps better..good luck.
    2 hrs · Like · 3
  • Cheryl Malone Hi Jane, I suffer same fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue,sleep apnea, migraines. I had a bad break down 3 years ago as in chronic pain and couldn't even get out of bed for months..then I heard about oil,I was given sum products to make oil, but I made the tincture instead. Now I was on 150mg Lyrica ,120mg cymbolta, 100mg endep, and 75mg palexia! Now I take no pills. I have tincture 3 times a day in my cuppa and now amazing how much pain free I am, I still get pain when you feeling good u seem to still do to much and u pay for it the next day but nothing like the pain and suffering I had b4 tincture . I'm happy with tincture en it makes lots more than than u would get if u made oil. Oil is an amazing healer , but I'm quite happy with my tincture.good luck!

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