Friday, 23 January 2015

Elixir Vitamin whole foods is the secret- Blood counts

Natural elixir for improving the blood count – the Recipe
 healing elixir is exceptionally good and proven cure for increasing the hemoglobin level, raising the blood cells levels and improving the general blood count.
Prepare it immediately, in addition to being extra healthy, it is very tasty as well.
In order to prepare this natural remedy – a vitamin bomb, you need:
• 200 ml of raw honey
• 200 gr of walnut kernels
• 200 gr of raisins
• 200 ml of carrot juice
• 200 ml of beetroot juice
• 2 lemons
Wash 2 lemons.
Cut them in half and remove the seeds.
Grind them with the peel (if they have been sprayed with chemicals – remove the peel) and put them in a glass jar of one liter.
In the mixture of lemons add the honey, the squeezed beetroot juice and the squeezed carrot juice. Stir.
Then add the finely chopped or ground walnuts and raisins. And stir everything again.
You will get about 1 kg of tasty and very healthy healing mixture.
Keep it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
Take 1 tablespoon of it before meals, three times a day.
You can use it as much as you want. There are no side effects, except for the increased energy.
After a week or two of consumption, test your blood count – and you will be pleasantly surprised!

Curcumin Natural herb

 BCM-95 Curcumin---Natural Herb.formulated to be more absorbable. Unlike many of these posts that do not have substantiated clinical trials-BCM-95 is well documented and now patented. Curcumin trials took place at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. It is the largest treating cancer center in the world.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Dissolve Cataracts by nature

Dissolve Cataracts

Many people, especially those who have reached age of 50, complained of cataracts. One option to cure this condition is with surgery, and the other option is to use the natural recipes, which acting individually. 

For centuries, mankind used honey to solve various health problems. With success can be used in cataract cases.
-Try to cure cataracts with honey
3 times daily put 2 drops of honey. Honey should be diluted with boiled water in the ratio of one to three. When you get used to the procedure, proceed to lower dilution – the goal is to reach a ratio of one to one.
This procedure is done 20 days in a month, then follows 10 days take a break.
During treatment stop eating meat, and eat vegetarian food.
It is very important every to day make new solution, do not use one from the previous day.
This treatment should be combined with this recipe: Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 cup hot water. Put the mixture in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Every night, just before bedtime, do compresses to the eyes with this mixture. To do so, saturate a cotton ball or gauze. The compress should be held to the eyes for about 5 minutes
If you follow everything, cataract should disappear after about few months. Consult with the doctor about this procedure.

Cause of cataracts is calcium out of solution. Or unabsorbed calcium. Magnesium may help.

Friday, 16 January 2015

How to repair your own DNA

Did you know that DNA can be damaged…and repaired?

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the hereditary material found in humans, animals, and organisms. DNA is in every cell in our bodies. Each cell’s nucleus has DNA, which is rolled into structures that are our chromosomes (23 pairs).

Sunflower seeds - Soul Healing

Health benefits of sunflower seeds
Delicious, nutty, and crunchy sunflower seeds are widely considered as healthful foods. They are high in energy; 100 g seeds hold about 584 calories. Nonetheless, they are one of the incredible sources of health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins.
Much of their calories come from fatty acids. The seeds are especially rich in poly-unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid, which constitute more 50% fatty acids in them. They are also good in mono-unsaturated oleic acidthat helps lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good-cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet which is rich in monounsaturated fats help to prevent coronary artery disease, and stroke by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
Like other nuts, they are also a very good source of proteins with fine quality amino acids such as tryptophan that are essential for growth, especially in children. Just 100 g of seeds provide about 21 g of protein (37% of daily-recommended values).
In addition, sunflower seeds contain health benefiting poly-phenol compounds such aschlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.
Further, the seeds are indeed a very rich source of vitamin E; contain about 35.17 g per100 g (about 234% of RDA). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Sunflower kernels are one of the finest sources of B-complex group of vitamins. They are very good sources of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid, and riboflavin.
Sunflowers are incredible sources of folic acid. 100 g of kernels contains 227 µg of folic acid,which is about 37% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given in anticipant mothers during the peri-conceptional period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily-required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.
The seeds are incredibly rich sources of many essential minerals. Calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and copper are especially concentrated in sunflower seeds. Many of these minerals play a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme secretion, hormone production, as well as in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.
Just a hand full of sunflower kernels a day provides much of the recommended level of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein.
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Thursday, 15 January 2015

DIPG Research question for other researchers their thoughts please

I read a report about DIPG and how it was growing in a persons brain. It was described as it interwined through everything. Now I have thought about this. I have thought so hard. The fluid in the brain, is this was the DIPG tumor is feeding off? It is one idea of late I have had. Mr Sting it is kyle that goes out of control with lymphona.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Laboratories on defining the Cannabis structure.

Want to learn more about Cannabis by doing a online course than hit the picture.

How to about Cannabis Courses

If you feel an urge to know more with a hands on approach than hit the picture and join the farmers behind Farmacy.

Cannabis Dispensary is happening NOW... Wake Up Australia

This is happening. If you need help just message.
A ‘huge group’ of cannabis growers is vowing to push ahead with making medicinal cannabis products and opening dispensaries while urging governments to ‘catch up’.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Flor-Essence...Cancer fighting properties ( search: flor essence)
Flor-Essence and Essiac History
Flor Essence Tea is similar but not identical to Essiac
here is a brief explanation of the Facts of the matter.
Understand this incredible story, think of an ancient healing knowledge
Knowledge gathered over the centuries and passed on via word of mouth
By shamans of the Ojibwa, North American Indians revered from the Spirit
Ojibwa Indians
Ojibwa in Canoe Source: unknown They knew their tea as "A holy drink that purifies the body and places it back in balance with the Great Spirit."
Ojibway Midewiwin (First generation version) Part of their wisdom involved a tea which was given to an ill woman, who subsequently recovered. Decades later in 1922, she also passed on the knowledge to Nurse Rene Caisse who along with doctors, researched the herbs in the tea, and created variations.
(Second generation versions) After coming out of retirement, Nurse Rene partnered with one of America’s most prestigious doctors of the time. Together they perfected and refined the tea, drawing upon years of previous research, administration, know-how, and application. The result was the most researched, most effective, properly proportioned, easiest to administer tea blend.
(Third Generation, perfected version) Today this final generation, refined formula is available with a higher potency than ever before utilizing modern herbal extraction technology. The Flor Essence Tea Liquids have now decades of brewing extraction refined perfection.
(Current Generation Flor-Essence Tea)
Historical Summary
Following is a little of the history of this remarkable tea which highlights the differences between the two:
• In 1922, Rene Caisse was not given a formula or a recipe. Rene wrote down a list of eight different herbs given to her by an elderly English woman under Rene’s care in Haileybury, Ontario, Canada. According to a recorded interview with Rene, the English woman received this knowledge 30 years before from an Ojibwa Medicine Man and had successfully used an herbal tea prepared from eight herbs.*
• In 1924, Rene helped her aunt using these eight herbs which were prepared in hot water and administered for over a year, with beneficial results apparent within two months. Note that Rene’s first use of the tea was in 1924, not 1922*; and she began with eight herbs.*
• Over the next few years, Rene and several doctors she worked with tried to discover which of the herbs were most effective in reducing the size of abnormal growths. They did this, looking for active constituents in the eight herbs, even injecting separately, and over time developed formulas whereby one of the herbs was given by injection to reduce the size of an a growth, and others were given orally to get the cleansing benefits needed. All Rene’s administrations over the years were known as “Essiac,” her last name spelled backwards
• A simplified, reduced version, that was easier to acquire than the full eight-herb version, was a ‘four- herb’ formula frequently used by Rene up until she decided to close her clinic in 1942. During this time “Essiac” was given orally, but frequently combined with a single herb injection.
• In 1958, upon invitation to come out of retirement, Rene brought to Dr. Brusch's clinic in Massachusetts the years of experience and knowledge she had gained administering the herbal formulas. Subsequently, after revisiting previous research and finding remarkable results, Dr. Brusch partnered with Rene and they continued researching and administering variations of “Essiac.” Dr. Brusch knew that the Ojibwa Indians had not done anything by injection, and also that Rene had started with eight herbs, and it was discovered through years of applied research and his staff of 18 physicians that the eight herbs when prepared in a particular proportion and given orally were the most effective of all the Essiac variations including the renowned ‘four herb’ formula! They even tried to improve upon the tea blend with additional herbs but returned to the eight herbs as it proved to be the most beneficial.
Interestingly, the four main herbs are included within the eight-herb version, which was determined to be the most efficacious. It is also amazing how close the Ojibwa had come to this “perfected” formula – even their oral administration was a superior method
• In 1977, when Rene sold a four-herb formula to Resperin Corp of Ontario, she retained the eight herb version, knowing it to be most beneficial.*
• In 1978, Rene passed on, leaving her business partner of over 20 years, Dr. Charles Brusch, as the only living person knowing the details of, and having the rights to, their remaining clinically tested formulas. This included the eight-herb tea now known as Flor-Essence.
In 1988, Dr. Brusch signed over the rights to the eight-herb formula, which he had sole knowledge of according to legal documents,* to Elaine Alexander, who had done extensive research on the subject of Essiac, including having Dr. Brusch as a frequent guest on her radio show. Elaine was so involved in helping people with the tea that she formed a company and after a three year search for a manufacturer, signed a contract with Flora, Inc. in 1992 for world-wide manufacturing and distribution rights.
That was when the name "Flor-Essence" was assigned to the eight-herb formula. Dr. Brusch also signed legal documents stating his sole endorsement of Elaine Alexander’s eight-herb tea. He legally disavowed association with all other (previous) variations of “Essiac” marketed by other companies, stating, “Others have imitated, but a minor success rate should never be accepted when the true therapy is available.” Since all Rene Caisse’s formulas prior to 1992, including the eight-herb perfected version had been called “Essiac,” it was important to clearly distinguish between the competing products in the marketplace.
• Currently there are only two "legal" formulas in the marketplace: “ESSIAC," a four-herb version, as manufactured only by Respirin, now called “ESSIAC of Canada” and "FlorEssence," the complete eight-herb version of Rene Caisse’s Tea, as manufactured only by Flora. Over the years there are many other imitations, but most of them are copies of a four-herb formula, or attempts to ‘improve’ upon the existing eight-herbs in Flor-Essence. Recall that Dr. Brusch, MD and Rene Caisse, R.N. already tried to improve beyond the eight-herb tea blend using additional herbs but without increased effectiveness. They had more resources, clinical experience, and knowledge than anyone else about the tea. It is important, when talking about the products, to clearly define the terms and names used.
Using the word “Essiac” when you mean “FlorEssence” may cause confusion, as there are multiple products in the marketplace claiming to be the original “Essiac.”

Monday, 12 January 2015

Turmeric Magic Oil - for pain through inflammation

1/2 cup of virgin coconut oil
1/4 cup of organic turmeric powder
1 teaspoon of organic black pepper
Blend these products over a low heat simmering on the stove for 7-9 minutes.

The appearance of the oil will be become thick like a pudding, if not add more turmeric, when finished cooking put in a glass container and store in the fridge, will stay fresh for 10 days. 

Add 1 or 2 teaspoons to milk, juice, smoothies, herbal tea, I also use this mixture to put in 00 size capsules and take 6 capsules, 3 times a day 

Turmeric has healing properties and is an "Ancient Herb of healing".

Pepper is optional, however with Pepper it can be absorbed into the body more easily.
Cancer Patients should consider the use of Pepper as I don't utilise with Cancer patients.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Wheatgrass and the miracles it works on

1. Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll
2. Chlorophylll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other element
3. Wheatgrass juice is a crude chlorophyll and can be taken orally and as a colon implant without tox
ic side effects
4. Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life
5. Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment
6. Chlorophyll is antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer
7. Dr. Bernard Jensen says that it only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very little body energy
8. Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria
9. Chlorophyll (wheatgrass) rebuilds the bloodstream. Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count was returned to normal within 4 to 5 days of the administration of chlorophyll, even in those animals which were known to be extremely Anemia or low in red cell count
10. Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones)
11.Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 102 minerals from the soil
12. Wheatgrass has what is called the grass-juice factor which has been shown to keep Herbivorous animals alive indefinitely
13. Dr. Ann Wigmore has been helping people get well from chronic disorders for 30 years using wheatgrass
14. Liquid chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them, and makes them over
15. Wheatgrass juice is a superior Detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. Dr. Earp-Thomas, associate of Ann Wigmore, says that 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery, and so forth
16. Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body
17. Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body
18. Chlorophyll helps purify the liver
19. Chlorophyll improves blood sugar problems
20. Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even removes scars after it his been ingested for seven to eight months. The diet must be improved at the same time
21. In "The American Journal of Surgery" (1940), Benjamin Cruskin, M.D., recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll: to clear up foul-smelling odours, neutralize strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome ear inflammation and infections, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhoea in many cases
22. Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant
23. A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet prevents tooth decay
24. Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches. It pulls poisons from the gums
25. Gargle with wheatgrass juice for a sore throat
26. Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp of wheatgrass soaked in juice on diseased area in mouth or chew wheatgrass, spitting out pulp
27. Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis
28. Wheatgrass juice keeps the hair from graying
29. By taking wheatgrass juice, one may feel a difference in strength, endurance, health, and spirituality, and experience a sense of well-being
30. Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion
31. Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds
32. Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes
33. Wheatgrass juice is an excellent skin cleanser and can be absorbed through the skin for nutrition. Pour green juice over your body in a tub of warm water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water
34. God's Garden of Eden isn't into this, but the article says wheatgrass implants (enemas) are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls. The implants also heal and cleanse the internal Organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice. Retain for 20 minutes
35. Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels open. It is high in Magnesium
36. Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll "concentrated sun power." He said, "Chlorophyll increases the function of the heart, affects the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus, and the lungs"
37. According to Dr. Birscher, nature uses chlorophyll (wheatgrass) as a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins
38. Wheatgrass juice can dissolve the scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effect of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production
39. Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries
40. Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body
41. Wheat Grass Juice is nutritionally complete as a food
42. Capable of sustaining human life for weeks to months according to plant and soil scientist, Dr. G.H. Earp Thomas
43. High in Enzymes
44. Full Amino acid rofile
45. Helps increase endurance and stamina
46. Contains Antioxidants, which help to strengthen cells
47. Helps neutralize toxins in cells
48. Has exogenous enzymes to help detoxify and help remove cell waste
49. Bioflavonoids are present in Wheat Grass juice, which help to cleanse blood and tissue as well as helping to strengthen capillaries
50. Helps to oxygenate the body. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment
51. Good source of chlorophyll. Science has proven chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria

The first 40 benefits were researched by an Anonymous Author; Web sources for article content: and
❥ MORE wheatgrass benefits & options ~

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Homemade Chest Rub

Homemade Chest Rub
1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
2 drops lemon essential oil
3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Mix all ingredients together  and rub into your chest and upper back.

Granny Storm Crow's List Cannabis Research for 2014

Just a handy link with more Cannabis Research than you can poke a stick at! 
My Goodness! How my List has grown over the last few months! And there have been some rather unexpected new “branchings” in the List recently. Acetaminophen, black tea, flax, echinacea, and magnolias? How did they manage to sneak into my list on Cannabis, Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System?

Hypnosis has a part to play within Well Being...Devils work...

s can be interpreted as a brain tumor. (If it’s large enough it can, indeed, be life-threatening, but in most cases will self-resolve.) So if you follow this line of logic, resolving the underlying perceptions, thoughts, and feelings that are feeding into the biological response (cell proliferation) will reverse the “cancer.” Once the mind-body system is shifted into the healing phase, nourishing on both levels will support and enhance healing.'
This is what drew me into hypnosis in the first place. Not that I had cancer. Or even knew anyone that did. It was the healing power of the mind that fascinated
s can be interpreted as a brain tumor. (If it’s large enough it can, indeed, be life-threatening, but in most cases will self-resolve.) So if you follow this line of logic, resolving the underlying perceptions, thoughts, and feelings that are feeding into the biological response (cell proliferation) will reverse the “cancer.” Once the mind-body system is shifted into the healing phase, nourishing on both levels will support and enhance healing.'
This is what drew me into hypnosis in the first place. Not that I had cancer. Or even knew anyone that did. It was the healing power of the mind that fascinated

Friday, 2 January 2015

Eatable Flowers and how they rate for our healthy diet

Here are 20 Edible Flowers you should start eating today!
1. Dandelion - contain 4x the beta-carotene of broccoli! Treats liver and skin problems
2. Lotus - effective in reducing blood sugar and blood pressure and protects the liver
3. Borage - rich source of fatty acids for healthy brain function. Wonderful anti-inflammatory
4. Rose petals - rich source of vitamin A, B3, C, D & E. Eliminate stress, headaches and anxiety
5. Saffron - anti-carcinogenic and loaded with vitamin C
6. Calendula – anti-inflammatory & great for the skin
7. Carnation - can treat minor depression and fatigue to nervousness and coronary disease
8. Garland chrysanthemum - help reduce cellulite and bloating and acts as a great weight loss nutrient
9. Scented geraniums - beneficial in treating stress, depression, skin problems, PMS and insomnia
10. Nasturtiums - high in vitamin C and thus ideal for treating colds and the flu
11. Violets - anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent. Improve skin problems & colds
12. Zucchini blossoms - high in calcium, iron and vitamins C and A. Bone & blood strengthening
13. Honeysuckle - reduce inflammation, fever, common colds, relieve skin and digestive issues
14. Angelica - great tonic and digestive aid, and treats anemia, bronchitis, and chest complaints
15. Hollyhock - a proven cure for cold and cough, the Greeks used it to heal wounds and dysentery
16. Pansy - great for the skin and circulatory system. Have been used to treat early stage tumours
17. Bee balm - contains strong anti-bacterial properties and is great for digestion
18. Chamomile - excellent de-stressor and relaxant. Helps cure anxiety & stomach cramps
19. Red clover - stimulates the immune system and helps treat respiratory system congestion
20. Hibiscus - blood pressure and cholesterol maintenance. Encourages proper blood circulation

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Essiac Herbal Tea

Essiac Herbal Tea
Essiac tea is one of the favorite alternative medicine for cancer. Essiac was discovered by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse (1888-1978), who named it after her name spelled backwards. The recipe is said to be based on a traditional Ojibwa (Native American) remedy. Essiac contains greater burdock root (Arctium lappa), slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus rubra), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and Indian rhubarb root (Rheum officinale). Many users of essiac believe that it does improve the body ability to fight cancer and that is effective at reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The most common current use of essiac is as a tea. Some people take essiac tea on occasion for general health purposes or for healing of various ailments, not just cancer. Caution is advised when using essiac herbal tea since one of the ingredients - burdock may either lower or raise blood sugar levels.

Essiac Tea is not just for cancer. Many people take it for general health purposes to detoxify their bodies, for healing of various ailments, or to protect themselves from disease. It can also be given to pets safely.
Here is a list of reported therapeutic actions:

Prevents build-up of excess fatty deposits in artery walls, heart, kidney tubules, and liver
Regulates cholesterol levels by transforming sugar and fat to energy
Halts diarrhea, checks internal hemorrhaging and overcomes constipation
counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead, and mercury poisoning
Strengthens and tightens muscles, organs, and tissue
Makes bones, joints, ligaments, lungs and membranes strong and flexible, more durable, and less vulnerable to stress
Promotes the absorption of fluids in the tissues
Removes toxic accumulation in fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder and alimentary canal
Absorbs toxins in the bowel, then eliminates them
Clears respiratory channels by dissolving and expelling mucus
Relieves the liver of its burden of detoxification by converting fatty toxins into water soluble substances that can then be easily eliminated through the kidneys
Assists the liver in producing lecithin which forms part of the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve tissue
Reduces, perhaps eliminates heavy metals deposits in the tissues, especially those surrounding the joints, to relieve inflammation and stiffness
Improves the functions of the pancreas by increasing the effectiveness of insulin
Cleanses the blood
Increases red cell production and keeps all these cells from rupturing
Increases the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygen level in the tissue cells
Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body
Renders calcium and potassium oxalate soluble in the urine. Regulate the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys, thus reducing risk of stone formation in the gall bladder, kidneys, or urinary tract
Protects the brain from circulating toxins
Relieves pain, increases appetite and provides more energy and a sense of well-being
Accelerates wound healing
Increases the production of lymphocytes and T-cells
Inhibits and possibly destroys benign growths and tumors
Protects cells from free-radical damage, including damage from radiation and x-rays


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