Sunday 8 March 2015

Pyrrol? ADHD?

  • Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B6 link to  many types of nutritional deficiences.
  • When we look at mis-diagnosed with ADHD - a simple urine test will see that they have Pyrrol. It is easily rectified with a change of diet and nutrition. 
  • Disorders that Mimic ADHD- Pyrrole Disorder
     disorder is a relatively-rare condition caused by marked nutritional deficiencies – namely zinc, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Children with pyrrole disorder will often exhibit a very low threshold for any provocation or disappointment.

  • We look at the links within the research, all these deficiencies are found in Whole Foods and Cannabis.

  • They often experience social anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, marked lack of attention and focus, insomnia, and sensory processing dysfunction. A urine screen can test for this condition, which can be easily treated with prescription nutritional therapy.
    There are many disorders that mimic ADHD and...

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