There are 2 types of Vitamin D
Vitamin D in its pure state is an essential derivative of cholesterol, known as 7-dehydrocholesterol. It is processed and stored in the liver and kidney. It’s ultimate primary function is to metabolize calcium to properly bind and create bone structure as well as other functional issues. However, it is not done in the Vitamin D form.
Below this note are 7 pages from major science book, explaining it – worth reading.
The vitamin D form will last a very long time in storage. It’s active form has a very short span of effectiveness, therefore, you do not want a high level of the effective form because it will change and become non-usable in a short time.
The parathyroid gland produces hormones to cause reactions to stimulate the liver and kidney to release the Vit D, and causes the chemistry reactions related to calcium and water, as well as kidney function as they are related. Kidney stones are related to this.
Because the hormones are made by the body through genetic instructions from the DNA, the instructions will be different per person, therefore, the results will be a little different, therefore, the result is not transferable from person to person.
This process of water molecules hydrolyzing the cholesterol creates 1, 25 dihydroxycholecolciferol. This becomes the active form of vitamin D. This form is known as Vitamin D3, it is the active form that binds to other chemistries to cause the calcium to generate bone tissue and related.
The hormones react and cause the body to convert the Vitamin D into D3 as needed. You cannot have high volumes of Vit D3 because that will offset other hormonal functions. When the over amount of D3 is non-functioning, the hormones will still detect it and prevent new conversions to D3, causing malfunction, such as osteopenia and osteoporosis, liver and kidney dysfunction.
Because the body utilizes genetic coding in its hormonal function, Vitamin D3 from any other source other than the body is considered “Synthetic” and although it may produce some temporary benefits, it also prevents other normal functions and reactions from taking place, causing other problems. Similarly, many doctors wrongfully provide “Synthetic Hormones” thinking that they are helping their patient. It is hurting the patients.
The most functionally correct approach is to provide the correct natural material so that the body can properly manufacture the chemistries in the natural manner to correct the domino effect of reactions, this will cause the correct storage, more importantly, it will cause the parathyroid to function correctly, provide correct communication, causing correct release of D3 when and where needed, causing the correct results with no side effects. As a result, all inter-related chemistries will be correct with their levels and function.
When a person is deficient, causing parathyroid mal-function, it can affect the conversion and release of the D3. The doctors blame low levels of D3 instead of looking at all the chemistries to look at what caused the parathyroid to not cause the proper conversion.
The store bought D3 is not genetically designed to match the body, although it may have some benefits, it can negatively affect the calcium functionality over time. We see this often when people come to us with osteoporosis and related issues, including muscle issues too.
When the minerals are in their correct proportions to each other, then the parathyroid and the other hormone producing glands will cause correct hormonal manufacture, then the communications will be correct, and the functions restored, causing correct results.
We have seen many osteoporosis cases relative to the D/D3 issues, and the situation resolves by itself without the D3, the store bought D3 is more damaging than helpful, also because the root cause was not address nor corrected, store bought D3 is damaging masking tape, not a resolution, and will lead to further problems.
These hype marketing groups are pushing it as a new trend with the fabricated idea to raise the D3 levels. People do not realize that the body makes what it needs based on hormonal communication. Similar to blood sugar. The hormones interpret the blood sugar levels and give messages to the pancreas of how much insulin and about 500 other chemistries to release.
Diabetes is simply the mineral deficiency causing the hormones to be made incorrectly, causing incorrect communication, causing incorrect release of all the chemistries, not just insulin, these people are misled thinking that the need more insulin, meanwhile, they are not getting all the other chemistries that were incorrectly released. The problems they get are blamed on diabetes when the true cause of these illnesses are due to the lack of all the other minerals that were not properly released.
Meanwhile, the people take insulin to lower the sugar, and then get new problems caused by the injected insulin because it upsets the biochemistry causing new problems. Meanwhile, the new problems caused by the insulin are blamed on the “Diabetes Disease”. Diabetes is a mineral deficiency
Upon correcting the mineral proportions, the hormone function corrects its manufacture, corrects its communication, the correct amount of chemistries are released, results are normal and the symptoms resolve, sugars are normal levels. No more diabetes. We have so many cases proving this to be accurate.
When you understand that, then you will understand the correct sequence of how Vitamin D converts to D3 and is used by the body.
Taking the store bought D3 is equal to the diabetic taking insulin, and getting the side effects, instead of correcting the biochemistry.
Taking the store bought D3 is equal to the diabetic taking insulin, and getting the side effects, instead of correcting the biochemistry.
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